Saturday, November 14, 2009

Light Sport Aircraft Concept

Pusher Light Sport Aircraft Specifications
Two seat aircraft
Rotax 912 or Jabiru 3300 engine
115 knots cruise speed
Easy entry/exit
Ducted fan for reduced noise and better performance and fuel economy
54" wide cockpit
Carbon fiber construction
1320 lbs. gross weight
600 lbs. useful load

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Light Sport Aircraft - They all look the same

As of this writing, there are approximately 100 ASTM certified Light Sport Aircraft (LSA) and they all look like they were designed in the 1950s especially the interiors. Why is it that aircraft manufacturers continue to design aircraft with very little consideration for cockpit aesthetics? Are they so focused on functionality that there is no room for aesthetic quality? The same people who buy general aviation aircraft also buy cars and they would never purchase a car if it had the complex interior aesthetics of most small 2 or 4 seat aircraft. If the general aviation aircraft manufacturers leveraged the creativity of car designers, then we would see a paradigm shift in the look and feel of small aircraft. As an example, if an aircraft interior looked like this, wouldn't it be more appealing and approachable for both new and seasoned pilots?